
Welcome to SPECPO, the official blog of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association. Here we continue our ongoing mission to  promote the writing, enjoyment, and publishing of poetry and related arts in the science fiction genre.

Per the SFPA Constitution, this includes, but is not limited to, “the genres of science fiction, science, fantasy, horror, speculative, and all other areas of poetry and related thematic interest which current practitioners and readers commonly accept as inclusive within the broadest reasonable limits of the term.”

This blog is maintained by the Officers and volunteers of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association and will archive official correspondence, member news as well as announcements and special features deemed of interest to our members at large, as well as the general community with an emerging or established interest in speculative poetry.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association was established in 1978 by Suzette Haden-Elgin and has an international membership representing over 19 nations and cultures including United States, Italy, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland, Romania, Poland, Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Israel, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, the Hmong, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association publishes two journals: Star*Line and Eye to the Telescope. It oversees three major literary awards for poetry: The Rhyslings, the Dwarf Stars, and the Elgin Awards. We also conduct an annual science fiction poetry contest and other special events and gatherings. Further, we also provide resources for emerging and established poets seeking professional publication and networking opportunities.

To contact SPECPO, e-mail us at SFPAPres@Gmail.com