Introducing Star*Line’s new editor, Vince Gotera

With the upcoming 40.4 issue of Star*Line we welcome its new editor Vince Gotera, and thank F.J. Bergmann for her exemplary service and vision in what a journal of speculative poetry can be. We look forward to the approach Vince Gotera will take in the years ahead, especially with the arrival of the 40th anniversary of the SFPA in 2018.

GoteraVince.jpgVince Gotera is an award-winning member of the international Science Fiction  and Fantasy Poetry Association, and he has been nominated for Rhysling Awards.

Vince was born and raised in San Francisco and lived in the Philippines for part of his childhood. He completed undergraduate studies at City College of San Francisco and Stanford University, where he earned a BA. He earned an MA at San Francisco University and both an MFA and a PhD at Indiana University.  He is the author of the poetry collections Dragonfly (1994) , Ghost Wars (2003) and Fighting Kite (2007) and the critical volume Radical Visions: Poetry by Vietnam Veterans (1994).  His upcoming volume of poetry is Pacific Crossings. 

He is also a former editor of North American Review and was the poetry editor of the journal Asian America. In 1997, Gotera and Nick Carbó founded FLIPS, a listserv for Filipino/a literature and arts.  Gotera’s literary honors include a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, an Academy of American Poets Prize, a Mary Roberts Rinehart Award in Poetry, and a Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry. He was also a recipient of the Global Filipino Literary Award in Poetry.  This year, he won the 2017 Veterans’ Writing Prize from Stone Canoe journal and his art was featured recently on the cover of Killjoy Literary Magazine and for the cover of Dreams & Nightmares. 

Recent poems of his have appeared in Abyss & Apex, Altered Reality Magazine, Dreams & Nightmares, The Ekphrastic Review, Parody Poetry Journal, Silver Birch Press, Silver Blade, and Spirit’s Tincture.

He has taught at Humboldt State University and the University of Northern Iowa and lives in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Be sure to check his work out at:

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association was established in 1978 by Suzette Haden-Elgin and has an international membership representing over 19 nations and cultures including United States, Italy, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland, Romania, Poland, Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Israel, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, the Hmong, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association publishes two literary journals of speculative poetry: Star*Line and Eye to the Telescope. It oversees three major literary awards for poetry: The Rhyslings, the Dwarf Stars, and the Elgin Awards. It also conducts an annual science fiction poetry contest and other special events and gatherings. Further, we also provide resources for emerging and established poets seeking professional publication and networking opportunities.

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